Do you need a land or building surveyor in Peterborough or Northamptonshire? As Chartered Surveyors with over 50 years experience of inspecting property of all types and preparing survey reports, Howard David Associates can assist. Whether you are a homebuyer or a commercial organisation, we offer a wide range of surveying services to ensure your receive the best possible survey and property advice. Subject to access being available, reports are usually issued within 4 – 5 days of your confirmation of instructions.
Mortgage Valuation
This is not a survey but a Valuation Report. It gives advice regarding the Market Value, taking into account many factors likely to materially affect value. This is not a comprehensive report and is usually carried out for the Lender. As such, we would advise most clients should commission their own, more detailed, survey.
RICS Homebuyer Survey and Valuation
A popular and concise report that enables you to make an informed judgement as to whether to proceed with the purchase and whether the proposed purchase price is fair and reasonable.
Pre Purchase Survey and Valuation
Delivered to hundreds of clients, and covering an inspection to the same level as The Homebuyer Survey and Valuation but a more comprehensive report delivered in an easy to read style. It gives a general overview of the property, a clear recommendation as to whether the client should proceed and a Market Valuation of the property. You will be given advice over such matters and actions requiring further investigation or execution prior to exchange of contracts as well as defects requiring urgent action – a useful aid to negotiations. The condition of the property is reported in detail together with any matters that the Clients solicitors should investigate further or action prior to purchase. An insurance rebuilding cost is also provided.
Drone Inspections
Drone inspections of upper areas not visible from ground level available, subject to local weather conditions.
Schedule of Condition/Dilapidations
Full written and photographic schedules to record the condition of commercial property at either commencement or termination of lease. The negotiation and settlement of Dilapidations Claims is another service that is provided.
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For property advice or a survey quote from an experienced Chartered Surveyor in Peterborough and the Northamptonshire area, get in touch.